Are you unemployed? You probably tried various job boards, employer websites, job search events, employment agencies and anything else you can think to do. Are you working all the usual methods? Remember the conventional techniques are always a viable part of your job search, but they can only take you so far. Think about it. How many other job seekers are using the same methods as you? You need to be creative! Job seekers need a better approach. You know that networking is the key to a successful job search. Have you thought about volunteering to help expose you to even more possible leads and opportunities? We know that employers are receiving three times more resumes compared to the past. How will you stand out? Volunteering can be another option for you. I know some of you are thinking that volunteering while job searching is a waste of time, but it can help provide you with more contacts and leads. Those who include volunteering in their strategy:
Volunteering may be what you need to give your job search a little boost. It will allow you to take some time off from your job search and donate your time to a great cause. Today you can even find remote volunteer opportunities. Here are a few places to look: You can also check out the website of the nonprofit you are interested in helping. You can also find our volunteer opportunities here. More Resources
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